Brand Protection Solutions
Protecting your brand online from infringing activities – with technology, research, detective skills, and legal expertise.
OKS Brand Protection Safeguards Your Intellectual Property
In an online world where infringing activities proliferate, safeguarding your brand means protecting your image, your reputation and your promise of quality to your customers.
At OKS Brand Protection Solutions, we recognize your dilemma: Since most companies use the Internet to market their goods and services, counterfeiters and scam artists have easy access to your intellectual property – while hiding behind a veil of anonymity.
As you prepare for ecommerce, launch new product lines, and expand into new markets, OKS Brand Protection safeguards your brand online – both B2B and B2C. Not only do we monitor potential infringing activity, but we pierce the veil of anonymity, expedite the take-down of counterfeits on auction sites, identify those involved, and put them out of business.
Our services include:
Contact us to learn more